January 28, 2014

Ok. So I am slowly trying to transition myself from Facebook to updating people through a blog.Today I have had the most thought provoking morning. Jacquelyn and I both woke up fairly grumpy. She is starting to want to exert her independence and while I am happy to oblige her most of the time, sometimes I have to intervene when her decisions may harm her or others. Today, she decided to throw an half an hour tantrum. Strollers were thrown, cupboards were slammed, body parts were being hurled at furniture (this was all her by the way, even though somedays I want to slam drawers too). Then suddenly, it ended. I am not even sure why it begun but I guess Jacquelyn had felt like her point was driven home. I hope I don't disappoint when she realizes I missed the memo.

After this escapade, I decided today was the day to try going back to the gym. Previous, I had felt bad dropping her off in the day care because I would leave her crying and pick her up crying (she completely hates it). Today, I was feeling a little less sympathetic and maybe we just both needed some time to distract ourselves with other things. I was so impressed with myself as I was driving into the gym parking lot. I have been meaning to get back there now that I am expecting again. I want to be as healthy as possible. As soon as Jacquelyn looked at the building, she lost it. Ok. Plan B. We are just getting her to the point where she likes nursery so I didn't want to destroy it with traumatic trip to the day care. We went and ran some errands instead. 

We arrived home with a grumpy baby again. I think it stemmed once she saw cookies and wanted them. I wouldn't let her have one for lunch. Cookies just don't make completely nutritious lunches, right? So finally I put her down for her nap and what did I do? Ate a cookie for lunch. Yup. Maybe I am not so different from my toddler after all. 

We have decided that we are going to have to get creative in these cold, rainy Oregon days. If Jacquelyn had her way, she would be at the park in the middle of a downpour. I guess maybe I am the wimp. We have been getting a little stir crazy. Today we went out for a walk and it was the first time that Jacquelyn wore her rain boots. I think she liked it too. Success!  Other than that. I realized today, that I need new hobbies that don't involve a whole lot of physical exertion since I am starting to have more back pain and feeling a little more exhausted. 

                                            Before our attempt in the rain

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